Recent Posts
October 11, 2014
Pixel Dungeon port
So it's not lost in the vast Twitterverse, I'll add a quick post here saying that a few weeks ago I started working on a port of the awesome game "Pixel Dungeon" to the desktop (Linux/Mac/Windows) and iOS platforms (it also conti...
May 19, 2014
Quirky Nimbus Hacking (part 2)
Details, detailsThe main point missing from my previous post was how to send anything to the gauges or the displays (well, and to the flash memory, but you'll have to dig up the datasheet for that one, it's very well explained).Some people...
May 15, 2014
Quirky Nimbus Hacking
Update: Part 2 is up! Quirky Nimbus Hacking (part 2)A bit of historyAbout two months ago, I became interested in a little device called the Nimbus, by a company called Quirky. Basically, it's a little dashboard that shows different messages or...
May 13, 2014
Multi System Debugger
I've decided to take a look at some of my existing and unfinished projects (basically everything, but that's procrastination for you)The first one I'm going to talk about is my Multi System Debugger/Emulator, AnouckGGMS, something like...
March 25, 2014
Dr Drago's Madcap Chase Remake!
For the past two weeks, and as part of a friendly challenge between friends, I worked on a remake (well, more like a port) of a game called "Dr. Drago's Madcap Chase" (or in the original German, "Die Total Verrückte Rallye"...